Friday, August 30, 2013

School Spirit Shines with Ford Driving Skills for Life on Instagram During the Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy!

The start of another school year brings with it mixed emotions for me – some good, some sad, some scary.  We’re another year closer to my cuties being grown and gone (*sniffle*), we’re another year deeper into teen angst and drama (way too much of that around here), and we’ve got another kid learning to drive (yikes!).  It’s the latter one that always scares me the most – that whole learning to drive thing!

Our oldest child went through driver’s training a few years ago. She was guided through the usual driver education process thoroughly and patiently by her dad and I and the great driver training school she attended.  She passed all her tests with flying colors and by the time it was all said and done she felt ready to take on the world with her new driver’s license.

But I wasn’t ready.  I wasn’t prepared to let her go out into that scary world on the road.  It was very hard for me to let go of that fear every time she drove away from the house – what if something happened and she didn’t know how to react?  It wasn’t that I didn’t have faith in her abilities – I just felt like there was no way I could prepare her enough for every situation that might happen.  I know it’s unrealistic to think that she could be prepared for every situation, and I also know that with age and experience comes the ability to effectively handle those times on the road when something unexpected happens.  But as a parent you just want to arm your kids with all the techniques and skills you can before you turn them loose out in the world.

A few years have gone by and we are now getting another kid ready for driving out in that big, scary world.  We again will teach him patiently and thoroughly, send him to a fantastic driving school, but this time we are going to add another element – the Ford Driving Skills for Life program.

It’s this last element that I am SO excited about!  The Ford Driving Skills for Life program is a national safety initiative for teens learning to drive or who have already obtained their driver’s license.  The program was created in 2003 by the Ford Motor Company Fund, the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, and a panel of safety experts with the goal to teach newly licensed teens the necessary skills for safe driving, beyond what they will learn in the usual driver education programs. The complete program includes a video, a leader's guide, a preview activity for students to complete before viewing the video, an online quiz, brochures and a take-home letter that students can give to their parents.  I cannot wait to get my fledgling driver signed up with this great program and he is excited to tell his friends about learning driving skills with Ford!  I am also going to tell every parent I know about this terrific program so we can all feel better about having our babies out on the road.

Another way I will be sharing this great program is by using Instagram (@FordDSFL on Instagram) during the Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy season at ClickOnDetroit.  Ford Driving Skills for Life is also asking parents, teens, and tweens to share their school spirit photos on Instagram using the hash tag #drivingschoolspirit.   

As a bonus, favorite photos with the #drivingschoolspirit hash tag and/or photos that tag @FordDSFL may be included in a round-up for some special recognition during the Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy season, including a featured slideshow on the Friday Football Frenzy page of the ClickOnDetroit website!

A 16-year old driver is 10 times more likely to be involved in a crash than an adult. 

This is a really scary statistic that we as parents can try and change.  Help make the roads safer for all of us, old drivers and new, by sharing the Ford Driving Skills for Life program with as many folks as possible!  Spread the word about this great program by telling teachers, parents, friends, relatives, everyone you can.  And go ahead and follow @FordDSFL on Instagram and share your #drivingschoolspirit pictures – we’re all in this together!


I was selected for this sponsored post by Hay There Social Media.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Road to Gettin’ on the Road – Part One: Visit an RV Show!

We have spent a long time on the road to moving up from a tent in our camping lifestyle – several years, in fact!  As a family and as a couple, we spent countless hours at the fabulous MARVAC Camper and RV show every time it came to our area, combed RV dealerships large and small, and read the classifieds on incessantly (did you know there’s an app for that?!) – all with the hopes of finding our new vacation “home” on wheels.   We have had advice from friends, neighbors, family, and even our fellow campers throughout various campgrounds.   The decision to make the leap from tent to something with wheels was, indeed, a very big step for us and we wanted to be as informed as possible.

The best place to “try before you buy” was definitely the MARVAC (Michigan Association of Recreational Vehicles and Campgrounds) Camper and RV show – if you can get to a local RV show you will find a huge assortment of trailers and driveable RVs all there for your viewing pleasure!  They are often crowded, and you definitely have to bring your patience as you will need to wait while others get in and out of units ahead of you, but generally the salespeople representing the dealerships are great at answering questions.  They are knowledgeable and helpful and friendly – they do work hard for your business.  This was, by far, the best introduction to trailers and motorcoaches that we had.  We were able to get in and out of everything we were interested in without the pressure of a sales pitch.  The kids got to stand up, lie down, horse around, basically whatever they would normally do while camping, all in the name of finding the best fit for our family. 


Trying to get them all to hold still is impossible!

You can fit five kids inside the pass-through storage of this trailer!

Superman approves of this Class B luxury van!

Trying to cram into a popup - but we're missing a couple bodies...

We went to several shows, with and without the kids, because we knew this was going to be a big decision – plus I’m an over-thinker and  over-researcher and my super hubby patiently indulged my Type A brain all along the way!  After each show visit, we came home armed with more information, brochures, and business cards from helpful salespeople, along with our pictures and notes from the visit.  We even collected information about campgrounds, resorts, and RV add-ons such as trailering components, generators – basically anything and everything that could be purchased aftermarket for your trailer or coach.  There were giveaways and games for the kids, places to purchase food and drink of all sorts, and even strolling beer waitresses should you need adult beverages while browsing the huge selection of vehicles. 

We learned so much at these shows – and highly recommend a visit or several if you are in the market for a new trailer or RV.

Kid #3 thinks bunks are great!

This was during the big "planking" craze - this one could plank anywhere!

All kinds of unusual  trailers - this one collapses like a popup!

Always have to make sure there's enough head room for the tall ones!

Go check out your local RV show - you will be glad you did!